Meet Zach

VP Digital Marketing

Zach Santarsiero

What’s your role at CannaPlanners?

I lead our internal digital marketing strategy and I manage our clients’ SEO & email marketing services.

What’s your specialty when it comes to this industry?

Definitely SEO. I’ve been working in SEO for 5-6 years now and have had the opportunity to work with a variety of companies from varying industries. Cannabis is definitely my favorite, though. 🙂

What do you do in your free time?

I love to play the drums, snowboard, hike, and do all the outdoorsy Vermont things! I also love craft beer and craft cannabis.

What is your favorite thing about CannaPlanners?

Our team is just the best. I feel lucky to have found my home here!

Learn More About SEO

Well, Zach seems cool and all. But, what the heck is SEO?

SEO Services