
Coyote River Hemp Co

Creating a meaningful New England hemp brand

The evolution of a logo

Often times we are charged with evolving an existing brand; taking a logo with some history behind it and turning it into something new.  Coyote River Hemp Co, is one of the only companies bringing game from the New Hampshire area, providing a wide array of unique CBD products.  They came to us about a year into their business, and decided it was time to give their coyote some love.  The original logo is below.

We pulled out some elements we thought would better suit a more memorable brand, and threw the fonts out the window – moving, instead, towards a flatter more bold font choice.  We also included a bit more detail on aspects of the river, and the hemp leaves. You can see our evolution below.


We were excited to extend our logo project into the larger branding picture by working on refreshing the look of Coyote River Hemp Co’s awesome product line.  Our first goal was to focus on beverages, beginning with their Nitro Cold Brew Coffee.  We wanted to take advantage of the natural shine of the aluminum can, and opted to go for a clear application driving home the main product and brand info.  CRHC has many more products coming, including a soda-collaboration with Local Sweet another CannaPlanners client, and a whole line of edible, and topical products.  Stay tuned!

CBD Cold Brew Coffee

Hemp Oil

CBD Pre Rolls - Photo by Coyote River Hemp Co

Pet Hemp Oil - Photo by Coyote River Hemp Co

Hemp Oil - Photo by Coyote River Hemp Co

CRHC Website - Desktop Layouts

CRCH Website - Mobile Layouts

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