Digital Marketing

SEO Case Studies 2020 – Thoughtful Strategy WILL Increase Sales

by Zach

More high quality web visitors = more sales. It’s pretty simple. The more customers you reach online, the more you can sell. We’ve been offering SEO for over a year now so we thought it would be a great time to look at some of the results.

We increased traffic to this dispensary by 120%

Users visiting this dispensary’s website from organic search increased by 120% year over year. When we view the geo report, we can see these are customers coming to the site from key target areas which were decided on before we launched the strategy.

The best part? With a massive increase, the quality of traffic stayed consistent and/or improved.

How did we do it?

  • A thoughtful & strategic approach developed through heavy market & keyword research
  • Both a local and national targeting strategy
  • Monthly phone calls with detailed collaboration to keep all parties accountable
  • Content, content, content!

We increased traffic to this CBD ecommerce website by 269%

Users visiting this CBD e-comm website from organic search increased by 269% year over year.

  • November 2019 website sales: $3,419
  • November 2020 website sales: $8,406
  • That’s a 146% increase in sales, about $5,000 in additional revenue – and that’s just 1 month.

The bounce rate also increased dramatically, but this is due to the nature of the new traffic. We’ve focused primarily on optimizing product landing pages. Ecommerce product landing page bounce rates typically hover around 70-80%, so this is no surprise.

How did we do it?

  • A thoughtful & strategic approach developed through heavy market & keyword research
  • Product-focused national targeting strategy
  • Monthly phone calls with detailed collaboration to keep all parties accountable
  • Content, content, content!

We increased traffic to this CBD ecommerce website by 51%

We took a slightly different approach on this site. Rather than focusing our efforts directly on product landing pages, for this client we focused on category pages where competition is a bit more intense. We still saw some awesome improvements.

  • November 2019 website sales: $12,631
  • November 2020 website sales: $17,725
  • That’s a 40% increase in sales, again, about $5,000 of additional revenue just in November.

We’re on track to move several high-value keywords onto the first page of search results thanks to the year-long effort of content creation, so we expect to see this traffic increase more drastically throughout Q1 & Q2 2021.

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