
Another Legalization Bill Introduced into VT House

by Will


A few weeks back H 170 was introduced into the Vermont House of Reps, which would legalize cannabis for personal consumption, but did not include language that would have created a legal marketplace.  VT Digger is now reporting that a new bill is being introduced that would create room for a small craft market in Vermont.

CannaPlanners is proud to call Vermont home, and we fully support this bill.  Aside from the huge economic gains our state could reap, a legal marketplace would help keep cannabis out of the hands of children, stifle the black market and create a whole new reason for tourists to keep coming back to Vermont.

If you’re a resident of Vermont and would like to see legal cannabis AND a regulated marketplace, please reach out to your local legislator, and give the Governor a call and let him know how you feel.

    • Find out how to contact your Rep HERE
    • Contact the Governor HERE