
Ashley Reynolds of Elmore Mountain Therapeutics appears on TedX Talks

by Will

Cannabis:  A Future without Stigma

Our friend (and client) Ashley Reynolds, CEO of Elmore Mountain Therapeutics, was invited to speak at TedXStowe this past Spring to give a talk on Cannabis, CBD, and a future without stigma.  It was a powerful presentation, given by someone we greatly respect and admire within our growing Vermont Cannabis Community.

It is always a pleasure to see the amazing ways our clients use their voice to help educate people on the benefits of Cannabis, and we couldn’t be prouder of the courage Ashley exhibits in telling her story.  Go Ashley!

Check out the beautiful website we built for Elmore Mountain Therapeutics HERE

Read the article we did on female entrepreneurs within the Cannabis industry, featuring some wise words from Ashley HERE

Watch Ashley’s TedX Stowe Talk here:


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